Anti Ragging Cell


By the order of Honorable Supreme Court of India against Writt.Ptt. No. © 656/1998

Anti Ragging Act

Ragging of junior students is strictly banned. Any student found indulging in ragging of any form, will be summarily restricted by the head of the institute. Ragging is a punishable offence under Law and the student will be dismissed from the institute without any notice or warning and name may be reported to police for legal action.

Ragging in any form or at any place is strictly prohibited

Anti Ragging Act

Anti Ragging Committee

1. Prof. Manish Dwivedi Director 9628975675
2. Mr. C. S. Shukla Registrar 9621145620
3. Miss Anjali Tripathi Dean Student Welfare 8416832448
4. Mr. Rahul Tiwari Hostel Administrator (Boys) 8004938491
5. Miss Radha Sharma Hostel Administrator (Girls) 9453043140